Special Hair Line 

Special Hair Line (SHL) is our most special service. A great hairline makes a great first impression. It’s the first thing we notice when we look at someone’s hair. In Special Hair Line (SHL) we craft a hairline that compliments your face. Who doesn’t want a great hairline like this:

A good hairline is what separates a good transplant from a mediocre one. At Rejoice™, we craft your hairline with great precision. It is part science, part craft. It’s the finishing touch. And we are the masters at that.

SHL Process

Before we start working on hairline, we analyze your face and features. The shape of your face is the deciding factor in the SHL. Take a look at this diagram, this will make you better understand the shape of your face.

We will help you choose the best hairline style. After your decision, we start making hairlines with a unique Differentiated Density Technique. This gives your forehead a natural look. In the last, we cover forelock using Rejoice™ Dense Packing.

Was we said, it’s the finishing touch. We give you a hairline that makes you look special. A good hairline complements a good hair transplant. At Rejoice™, we spend extra time crafting it to perfection. And believe us, it’s worth it.